I et kælderlokale i Vanløse foregår der ting og sager - naturen fremhæves og verdner opstår.
Tryk, tegninger og tegneserier - samt meget andet.
Det er mest Hannah Woetmann Bitton, der rumsterer i kælderen, skærer linoleum til tryk på papir og stof eller portrætterer naturens fascinerende aspekter, men nogle gange er Tim Søndrgaard også tilstede, da de er sammen om at skabe tegneserierne om DeCay & Shivers.
In a basement in Vanløse things are going on - nature is in focus and worlds are created.
Prints, drawings, and comicbooks - as well as other stuff.
Mainly it's Hannah Woetmann Bitton who's rumaging in the basement, carving lino blocks for prints on both paper and fabric, or portraying fascinating aspects of nature, but sometimes Tim Søndergaard is present as well, as they are partners in crime when it comes to creating the DeCay & Shivers comicbooks.
Other artists are represented in MELLEMrum as well.
Vi kærer os usigeligt om den bizarre og fantastiske natur, der muliggør vores eksistens, og derfor går en del af overskuddet til Naturfondens skov- og naturopkøb.
We care immensely about the bizarre and fantastic nature, which founds and sustains our existence, and that is why part of the proceeds is donated to Naturfonden and their project of buying back nature.
Kontakt / contact: steamtrilogy@gmail.com
Besøg / visit MELLEMrum
(Jydeholmen 7, kld, 2720 Vanløse)
Mandag & Tirsdag / Monday & Tuesday
ÅBEN / OPEN 12 - 16
Onsdag / Wedensday
ÅBEN / OPEN 10 - 14
Torsdag & Fredag / Thursday & Friday
ÅBEN / OPEN 12 - 16
Vi takker for opbakningen / We thank you for the support